
Exciting news! We now have access to tens of thousands of digital sheet music titles! The Sheet Music Direct Pass allows us to stream their sheet music, and purchase printable versions at a 50% discount.  So when inspiration hits, or time allows we can browse through some of the top […]

SMD Pass

  Goodbye Al…     Our studio will be welcoming a new face to the scene! I am proud to announce the acquisition of a new Steinway designed Boston piano! We will have the joy of learning and performing with our new friend for many years!       Hello Franklin… […]

Steinway Studio

Hiya Folks! It’s been a busy few weeks, but the time is quickly approaching for the opening of the Humphreys Learning Studio at McGinnis Ferry!!!  The lease is signed, the paint is on the walls, the carpeting samples have been sifted through.  It’s so amazing to watch it all come […]
